On my honor I will try...
Hell Creek Equestrian Center's heart and soul came from Girl Scouting. Our Equestrian Director, Jenn Gay, has been an active Girl Scout since the age of 7 and has been a lifetime Girl Scout since 2004. Jenn worked at the Girl Scout Camp Innisfree Equestrian Center for 10 years helping introduce horses to younger Girl Scouts. Since the closing of Camp Innisfree in 2014, Jenn has continued to help offer a safe, educational, and fun programs for Girl Scouts in Michigan. Give us a call to schedule your troop's next trip!

Daisy/Brownie Program
2 hours | $40 per girl | min 6, max 15
Learn your safety rules, get hands on and groom a horse, discover what it takes to take care of a horse, and of course RIDE a horse. We highly recommend All age level troops reviewing their Safety Activity Checkpoints and the Junior Horseback Riding Badge booklet together before joining us.
Junior + CSA
4 hours | $50 per girl | min 5, max 15
Junior Horseback Riding Badge (GSUSA)​
Learn your safety rules, get hands on to groom and tack your horse, discover the daily care, difference between English and western riding, and of course RIDE in the arena for a lesson.
*badge is NOT included

Horse Science Badges
3 hours | $50 per girl | min 5, max 15
Prerequisite: Junior Horseback Riding Badge
Join us to dive in a little deeper into horsemanship and horse knowledge. 3 separate programs to choose from and a fun patch is included (while supplies last)
Horse Science 1 - Vet Science (vitals, first aid, how to handle emergencies)
Horse Science 2 - What goes in must come out (digestive system, deworming practices, and how to administer oral medication)
Horse Science 3 - Red Horse Blue Horse (Learn basic colors, confirmation, and genetics of horses)